


We’ve been working on the new MOST Music site for month and we’re very excited to finally share it with you! Clicking around the website you might find some really cool new material on our participants – or, if you don’t feel like clicking around, let us guide you through it!

MOST Music is a long-term project with multiple rounds of artists, managers, festivals, and creatives channeled in from the Balkans. This is why it’s important to us to let our first round of participants really shine and fill this project with their personality and unique style. We’ve come to believe that the best way to do that is giving them a platform and amplifying their voice.

First, the first round of artists in the Balkan Music Export pillar is now available to browse under the artists page. Each of our 10 current artists are to be found there with a brief intro and high resolution pictures as well as their social media links. The listings on the artist page are clickable, so each musician and band has their own specific profile, ready to share.

Rodjenice - Serbia

Second, the 26 participants of the Manager Training Programme are all shortly introduced under the relevant page. Although the word ‘manager’ may not be the most exciting one in the English language, these guys make up for that a hundred percent! Hardcore professionals, badass female drummers, assistant beekeepers – we couldn’t have selected a more colourful palette of manager trainees and we can’t wait to start working with them.

Andela Galic, Manager Trainee, Croatia

Third, find the, quite frankly, magical festivals participating in MOST Music’s Festival Exchange programme here. From festivals built on medieval ruins to fiestas that spread all throughout the city streets, these events are definitely worth checking out (with advisory for potential heartbreak that one might not be able to visit them right now).

Fourth among our pillars is Urban Policy. Find the exciting future music and culture related urban projects here. Details of their previous work and expertise as well as the outlines of their project plans are listed – it’s worth getting acquainted with them, they might be shaping the future of music in your city!

Stefan Momikj, Urban Creative, North Macedonia

And last but definitely not least, there is an entire page for our expert Trainers and Mentors who will teach courses and guide participants through challenges in the MOST Music programme. Their list is still inconclusive, so it’s worth checking back every once in a while to see who else is on the expert board.

So there it is – the new MOST Music website, fully loaded with content on the participants of the first round. We hope you’ll enjoy browsing them and that you’ll agree with us that this is an unprecedented, tight-knit community of Balkan musicians and music industry professionals, ready for international attention.

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