
Balkan buzz at WOMEX

One of the largest global get-togethers in the sector, WOMEX had a distinct Balkan buzz due to the presence of MOST and our dear community. 


Alumni gathered around the MOST stand brought to you by Hangvető and the Bulgarian Music Association, functioning as a cosy nest for newfound and seasoned delegates.

The 2023 edition of WOMEX saw close to 3000 artists and professionals gather in the Galician gem of a town A Coruña, surrounded with fresh ocean breeze and lush venues. MOST participants Almir Meskovic & Daniel Lazar duo were among the 60 showcases impressing the crowd, and we were glad to see many more familiar faces from the project at the industry’s major global event. Balázs Weyer and Rok Kosir gave a quick course (‘how to be a delegate’) on how to navigate the hubbub, project lead Klára Nagy walked participants through operative points at a MOST partner meeting.

Balkan became a buzzword in the industry, in no small part due to the collective effort of MOST. See more of MOST as the project bears fruit, and Balkan artists receive growing recognition.


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