Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anes Husanovic

Anes applied to the Urban Policy pillar to create a campaign for a ‘friendly music strategy’ that stands on three legs: better music education, more live shows, and smarter production and promotion.

The project would lay foundations for a campaign targeted at adoption of ‘a friendly music strategy’, whereby its policies should be directed towards:

Boosting Education: music and instruments (theory, school, playing skills, maintain), equipment (how to use and maintain studio/live production equipment), management (how to manage artists, organise tours, issue publications, promote, etc.), rehearsal rooms/venues (allocate spaces for practice, recording)

Revive Live Scene: establish strong partnerships with small venues (especially during winter season), link artists with venues (create offers, portfolio), run events with small/unknown artists (bringing region, EU closer to Tuzla), strike sponsor deals – link strongly with regional stakeholders (media, businesses, etc.), set a goal to establish a local independent cultural centre/point, lobby for longer working hours of venues, establish appropriate basking laws/procedures for artists (currently none exist)

Production and Promotion: audio/visual (engage artist community and make products), organise true Festivals (with multidisciplinary programmes and offering, presenting works of all creative industries), organise concerts (host interesting-larger artists, build different/new audience, discover new mid-size venues), strong promotion of art, artists, activities, campaign, strategy, results (on all local/regional electronic media, social media, other available channels)

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