
Lamija Sarić

„I am a student of Genetics and Bioengineering (soon to be student of Jazz piano and ethnomusicology), and to make it in this field you have to be really curious about everything. And personally, that is what makes me stand out – curiosity. I am interested in people of all ages and their life stories, the music they bring through their performance but also in their hearts, and most of all I am really curious if I can make (with a little help from my friends), our little town of Tuzla a great cultural center of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and may I say the Balkans. If I were too confident, I would say the world.

But of course, this takes a lot of effort, optimism and perseverance. My motivation for the MOST Management Training project is not personal, although personal growth would certainly come from it. But my main motivation is my town and the people in it, I want them to dance and sing in the streets, to hear jazz music being played around town, to hear the echoing of big choirs through the small passages and to see traditional dances being interpreted along with traditional world music.

I need real tools and real help to make this a reality, to bring music to youth and to the audiences of Tuzla, to the people of Bosnia, because I think it is truly needed and that music of the Balkans, and the World can again unite the souls living in this region and make it a better place for this and the next generation.”

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